Sábado, 27 de Julio de 2024 | 01:01
NOVEDADES 07.04.2016

Centro de Navegación

FONASBA - Pesaje de contenedores: encuestas a las asociaciones adheridas, resumen ejecutivo y gráficos.

El Centro de navegación le informa a los Sres. Socios que, con relación a los requerimientos internacionales sobre verificación de la masa bruta de los contenedores cargados, establecidos  a través de las enmiendas introducidas por la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) al Convenio SOLAS; las cuales entrarán en vigencia a partir del 01 de Julio del corriente año, The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents (FONASBA) ha desarrollado la segunda ronda de encuestas a sus asociados sobre el tema en cuestión, la cual ha finalizado a mediados del mes de Marzo.


A continuación podrán ver los gráficos que representan las respuestas más significativas al requerimiento formulado.


En el ámbito nacional, cabe mencionar que la Prefectura Naval, en calidad de Autoridad de Aplicación del Convenio SOLAS, ha emitido la  Disposición  RPOL 008, Nº 01/16 que contiene los procedimientos reglamentarios para el cumplimiento de la norma internacional.


Se agrega comunicado de FONASBA.


To: FONASBA Members

Cc: FONASBA Executive Committee

Cc: ECASBA Advisory Panel


Dear All,

On behalf of the Chairman of the Liner & Port Agency Committee, John Foord, please find attached the results of the second round of the container weighing survey, which completed in mid-March. On this occasion the information is being presented in three different formats; the full summary, covering every response from every association, an Executive Summary and a set of graphs for some of the most important questions. Those questions where the answers were not easily translated into figures have been excluded from the latter. John would like to thank every association that participated in the survey for taking the time and effort to collect and forward their responses and for their actions in following up on the issue in their own countries. Whilst matters have improved significantly since the first survey in July last year, there is still a lot to do in many countries to ensure a smooth implementation of the SOLAS amendments and we hope that all member associations will continue the present activities in order to bring this about. Whilst all of the attachments are available to download from the website (https://www.fonasba.com/member-survey) please circulate them directly to your members and to appropriate legislators and authorities as well as elsewhere within your national maritime sector. We are also passing this information directly to IMO, the World Shipping Council and the International Chamber of Shipping.

Also attached is press release which has been sent to all our international press contacts and again we would ask each association to circulate it to your national media. This project, and the results it has generated, is an excellent example of how FONASBA can come together as a community and by so doing to produce a detailed and valuable report on an issue is affecting ship agent worldwide - and that will continue to do so for many months to come. We can therefore all be proud of what we have produced and we now need to make everyone else in the industry and government aware of this excellent achievement, which is yet another shining example of the value of ship agents to the maritime sector!

In closing I would like to extend particular thanks to Sara for having done all the hard work in collecting the data and putting it into both the overall summary and the graphs.

Best regards,




Tel: +44 20 7623 3113

Email: generalmanager@fonasba.com

Website: www.fonasba.com























Fuente: Centro de Navegación


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